and Healing
Source of information:
Helpful Alternative Medicine
and good
relationships could make a
remarkable difference to your health. When people are totally in love they feel energized, recharged, and
invincible. Look at these studies that
illustrate the power of love:
After monitoring 1200 elderly for 3 years,
Swedish researchers found that those who had satisfying social ties were
40 % less likely to develop dementia than those who had fewer social
A study of heart patients at Duke
University found that those who were without a spouse or confidant were
3 times as likely to die within 5 years of diagnosis than those who are
married or have close friends.
In another study of how good social
relationships could reduce the amount of stress, Glaser found that
caregivers of Alzheimer patients who had good social support showed
stronger immune response than those who did not.
In Yale University, a study of 194 heart
attacks patients found that patients who claimed to have emotional
support were 3 times more likely to be alive 6 months after the attack
than the one without it.
At Carnegie Mellon University in
Pittsburgh, researchers dripped cold viruses into the nose of 276
volunteers who were later quarantined to see the effect of emotional
support in human. Volunteers who had a wide range of friends had only a
quarter of the chance of getting a cold compared to those who have
smaller number of social ties.
Through love
Bitter things become sweet.
Through love
Dregs taste like pure wine.
Through love Pains are healed. |
Rumi |
"Our sorrows and wounds are healed
only when
we touch them with
"To heal from the inside out is the
~ Wynonna Judd
"The greatest healing therapy is friendship
and love."
~ Hubert H. Humphrey
"Eventually you will come to
understand that
love heals everything, and love is all there is."
~ Gary Zukav
one another and help others to rise to the higher levels,
simply by pouring out love.
Love is infectious and the greatest
healing energy ."
Sai Baba
"Love cures people – both the ones who
give it and
the ones who receive it."
~ Karl A. Menninger
“Love is the great miracle cure.
Loving ourselves
works miracles in our lives."
~ Louise L. Hay. |